Friday, January 23, 2009

Make me tick...

I think one of the most important things in life, I learning how you function well. What makes you tick, (not like have small seizures) but what things help you learn? What type of people do you work well with? What are your strengths? Who do you have that can do the things that aren’t your strengths? All of the afore mentioned thing will help you become a better leader, boss, manager, and overall employee.

I took the Strength Finder 2.0 test a while back along with the rest of our church staff, and my top 5 strengths were: Competition, Restorative, Communication, Input, Arranger.

This morning, I met Luke at the Coffee Bean to work on the outline for the next message series we are doing. While there, we both had 2 completely different ideas of how we thought the sermon should go, based on the angle we were taking. After a while we began to discuss the differences and what we wanted the students to learn. And after a little while longer, we began to try to convince the other person to join our side. Now I'm not saying I'm better than him, (even though I am very competitive) but the outline ended up looking more like what I had in mind than what he had.

Here is something I realized about myself today. I like to argue; not just to argue, but to learn. My input strength is one that allows me to receive input from others and debate to come up with a resolution that make the most sense.

Finding out what helps you learn is a very valuable tool, and if it has to do with gathering information you can seem smarter than everyone else, too!

It is a great way to walk into what God is calling for your life, and to do that to the best of our abilities.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Off To A Great Start!

Things have been going great! The year has been one of many new changes. My wife (whom I married in May) is 5 months pregnant. (I have no patience.) And we are very excited for Jaden Christopher Sheridan to join this world.

EastLake Church has been a great experience, I have learned and grown so much in what God has called me to do. I get to work with amazing people every day, and stretch the way I think in the hardest ways possible. I am working with students (Jr. Higher's) a passion of mine for a long time, and I get to work with my best friend and cousin Luke (High School Pastor) week in and week out. We have got some great plans and events coming up for the programs and EastLake Student Ministries is sure to explode with God's good grace.

This next weekend we have IN-N-OUT weekend, we have ordered 600 cheeseburgers to give away to any students who show up. It has been a great rally for out students, and they are all starting to get on board.

I think great things will be happening around here for a long time.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I can't begin to express how much having good friends is a value. The last week I have been realizing and attempting to change certain "undesirable" qualities, in various areas of my life. My marriage and my work perception. Now I have always been able to take advice from people, and receive a little constructive criticism, but this week was a little unbearable.

I was having an issue with my wife only 3 weeks into being married and was beginning to feel like a quick failure. I brought the issue to my small group, expecting to hear a "quick fix" or an "easy way out," but realized that was definitely not the case, instead it was brought to my attention rather abruptly, that instead of attempting to fix the problem, I should reflect on my habits and what I could do better. Not what I wanted to hear, but I accepted it.

Second, because I tend to look for ways to improve my performance, attitude and other areas of my personality constantly while working. A friend confronted me on how my perception can be heading the wrong direction. He was very upfront, blunt, and straight to the point, the way I like it. (Except when I'm on the receiving end.) Because I was taken aback by the statement, I began feeling pretty bad about myself and became a little frantic on how to change very quickly. So I called another peer to talk it out. He offered great encouragement and advice on how to change this area of my life. Which I am very glad to say I have listened to.

I read a while back about having edit-ability, by Mark Waltz. It is a great concept based on allowing your peers to look into your life and help you change specific things, as opposed to just being a support system. It has become a very important attribute to learn, not only for my own application but to begin to be an "Editor" for my wife, and other close friends.

Now not everyone needs to be blunt and incredibly straight forward, (my friends are because I tend to need that). But we do need people who will help us become better Christ followers by changing out lives. So if you don't have someone to fill this role in your life, FIND ONE, at least one, or as many as you can. You will be amazed at the amount of growth you will see in your life. If you do have these people, praise God for them and thank them next time you see them.

But because both of my friends read my blog I'll do it here. Thank you Rick and Luke for being blunt when necessary, and caring enough to follow through.