Thursday, May 29, 2008

Moving Forward

A lot of things took place today, none of which were actually on my list of things to get done. Today was one of those days that you have a long list, then a million other things come up, and you feel like (or in fact there was) no progress being made on said list. I've been told that the 80/20 rule should apply here, 80% of the work you do should be planned and you should leave the other 20% for things that come up. So how do I get better at managing my time and ensuring the 20% doesn't become 100%.

Here is how. (Granted stuff happens that you just have to deal with.)

1.) Have an estimated plan or agenda for the day. (If my day is outlined and I am chipping away at my list, it will keep me focused and not allow "unnecessary" things to come up.)

2.) Better manage the 20% that comes up. (Can this be handled by someone else? Are they available to take this on?)

3.) Evaluate if the 20% is even fitting for my area. (Often when we are the "nice guy" and do things for people we never get anything we want done accomplished.)

4.) No matter what happens, Keep Moving Forward. (If I sit and complain about how long something is taking, it takes longer, just knock it out and move on.)

Any other ideas? Let me know!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Other Love

I have 2 loves.... according to my wife, one is her, and the other?

My Cell Phone!

I'm always on the thing, its just so cool, I mean if my wife would get automatic updates on both my email accounts and get google maps, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off her either!

We were walking into Trader Joe's today (cool place), and I was talking to a friend, when I got the look, an implied, get off the stupid phone and help me find dinner, look. What is it about this thing that has me so addicted. Personally I think its because I'm such a social person that I like to be connected with other people at the same time.

Here in lies the problem, my wife happens to be the quality time love language, so, for me to talk on the phone while doing a task, often puts her at second place automatically in her book. So how do I remain connected to people I love to talk to, and keep my wife at the number 1 spot?

1) I guess I have to figure out what things are appropriate at certain times, I could have called the friend back, after we got out of the store.

2) After just leaving work, put my phone away for an hour or longer to give her my undivided attention.

If you have any more ideas for a young, newly married man, feel free to let me know.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Small Group

We had our first night at our new small group, it was amazing. We had some great fellowship, and opened up with some prayer, the host (Luke) got us started on our topic, the book of Luke. We had 4 different types of bibles, and began to read through the first chapter.

It was great, a ton of learning took place, we made it through the first 38 verses in 2 hours. God made His presence felt, we were all getting very in depth.

We had a few somewhat new believers and some life long believers, a great mix. The feeling after was ecstatic, we closed by listening to a worship tune, and some more prayer.

I am very excited to go back for the next 6 weeks, and my wife an I have made a commitment to not miss a single week.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Partnership Rocks

Its amazing how much my wife influences me and my decisions (Even with only being married 11 days). Its truly a blessing. I have been feeling uncommitted to the cause of Church Cleanliness lately, its been tough, its a job that never ends, its always needs more, there is always a "new project" or "big emergency" every day of the week.

I have been feeling like what I do is not really a ministry position, that I don't really affect life change. "WRONG!"

A great phrase she used was "every person who affects the look and feel of the church is involved in ministry," and what a true statement that is.

I am a minister.

An so is every other person who works with me, for me, or above me. We are all making a difference in the view someone has of our church home. By picking up the trash or repainting the walls, we are allowing "attenders" and "first time guest" to not be distracted, and to be able to focus on what God is planning to in there hearts for that day.

I am very fortunate and blessed to be in this position, or in any ministry position, and to have a wife who is open to what God has to say.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Same Team!

A few days back I was watching a live video feed from the Whiteboard Conference. One of the speakers showed a baptism video after he spoke. It was a great video, very heart warming, and well put together. While watching the video I had a great realization.

We Are All On The Same Team!

Often times, we can get the feeling of wanting to "out do" other churches, to make our services more appealing, get more volunteers, have a bigger attendance, produce our own curriculum. All of these things are great to move towards, but these thoughts are often self-centered.

I loved watching the video because I just showed that whether a church of 100 or 10,000, we all have the same goal and often produce the same results. Whether baptizing 1 or 100 is still a win for God!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Time Off

Who does that? Seriously? Being a part of ministry is often little personal time and loads of "church on the brain." I have two more days and I'm struggling with not getting back to work.

Everyone I have talked to has said to relax and take time, but what about ministry makes this so hard? I think that because we are doing work for God, we feel a since of responsibility to never stop, never let up, and to keep going, often sacrificing our own sanity and mental health.

This vacation has been a blessing, I have spent more time digging into the Bible and praying, then while working. I have gotten to enjoy the company of my wife, learn and grow with her.

So for anyone feeling stunted in their growth, take some time. It will work.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So much to do?

Its funny talking to people about getting married. I keep hearing how crazy it will be the last week. How mush stress it will put on us as a couple, and how it will be the first big thing to argue about. Not really my findings, its only 3 days till the wedding, and honestly, we don't have much to do. We have been very relaxed and even took the day to ourselves and went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. (A great start for vacation?)

The reason for little stress. Delegation! It's been nice having people to delegate things out to, I think that is why we don't have much to do. We have list upon list of things for people to do, and those lists are filling up with names. I think the day of, will be a breeze, I just need to not drop the ring, and say I do!

So if you re planning on getting married, and have a ton of people coming, INCLUDE THEM!!! They are more than willing to help out. Just Ask! I have actually found that the more time I spend on getting other people to help and do things for us; The more we get done entirely and the more time I have on my hands. Who would of thunk it?

What's Next? Obviously the Wedding.