Monday, May 26, 2008

Partnership Rocks

Its amazing how much my wife influences me and my decisions (Even with only being married 11 days). Its truly a blessing. I have been feeling uncommitted to the cause of Church Cleanliness lately, its been tough, its a job that never ends, its always needs more, there is always a "new project" or "big emergency" every day of the week.

I have been feeling like what I do is not really a ministry position, that I don't really affect life change. "WRONG!"

A great phrase she used was "every person who affects the look and feel of the church is involved in ministry," and what a true statement that is.

I am a minister.

An so is every other person who works with me, for me, or above me. We are all making a difference in the view someone has of our church home. By picking up the trash or repainting the walls, we are allowing "attenders" and "first time guest" to not be distracted, and to be able to focus on what God is planning to in there hearts for that day.

I am very fortunate and blessed to be in this position, or in any ministry position, and to have a wife who is open to what God has to say.

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