Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is High School Ministry DEAD?

Recently I was hanging out with a friend and the topic of our High School Ministry came up, one phrase in particular that caught my attention was "High School Ministry is dead, but no one wants to admit it."

I cant begin to tell you how much I disagree with that statement. High School is not dead, it may be dying in many places but it is not dead. That statement would be like me telling another person "the Church is dead," that would never happen, the reason High School ministry is dying is because it hasn't changed in a long time. Its not relevant to today's youth, all students do these days is text and IM. They can get stimulated by 5 different conversations at once, so the need for a personal connection has changed. A high school service should include this part of todays culture, and so much more.

Our adult service has said "We wont say it Sunday if you cant use it Monday," the same goes for a student, they can come to church but if they don't hear anything that invokes life change and is applicable, they wont want or need to come back. To often when I was in high school (only 3 years ago) did I attend a church service and never use anything I learned the following day at school.

In order for a high school service to "survive" they need to begin to change in these areas and many more. How whould one go about this?