Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So much to do?

Its funny talking to people about getting married. I keep hearing how crazy it will be the last week. How mush stress it will put on us as a couple, and how it will be the first big thing to argue about. Not really my findings, its only 3 days till the wedding, and honestly, we don't have much to do. We have been very relaxed and even took the day to ourselves and went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. (A great start for vacation?)

The reason for little stress. Delegation! It's been nice having people to delegate things out to, I think that is why we don't have much to do. We have list upon list of things for people to do, and those lists are filling up with names. I think the day of, will be a breeze, I just need to not drop the ring, and say I do!

So if you re planning on getting married, and have a ton of people coming, INCLUDE THEM!!! They are more than willing to help out. Just Ask! I have actually found that the more time I spend on getting other people to help and do things for us; The more we get done entirely and the more time I have on my hands. Who would of thunk it?

What's Next? Obviously the Wedding.

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