Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ever Wish?

You could be really good at something without ever practicing or trying? I do, as lazy as it may make me sound, I wish I never had to practice at music. I wish I had perfect pitch and could play anything just by hearing it once. I was watching the movie August Rush today (mt favorite movie) and it just so happened to re-kindle my love for music. I have always loved music and playing, but have been very focused on other things i.e. wedding, so its been put on the back burner.

I really feel like I should get back on it. It turns out I actually have more time on my hands with not having to drive home at 11 every night. I still practice every so often, but would like to on a regular basis. It would feel pretty good to get back up on stage of some form and play in front of people since its been a while.

I just started volunteering in the High School Group at EastLake and they seem to want and need more musicians, I love the bass guitar so I think thats where I'll start.

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